Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Getting to Essence...

WAIT! Before you read any further I want you to know that this IS a solicitation blog.... Well, sort of. Okay. So Mary Mary and WeTv have joined forces to allow some lucky winner to perform with the duo sisters on stage with paid travel and expense to the Essence Music Festival this July. I decided to submit an entry. Now, I know what you're thinking... a contest? Well, yeah. I mean, why not? I don't exactly have record producers knocking at my door and I just want to sing darn it! Yes, I have to admit that there was definitely some apprehension on my part especially because it is an online contest which means that your vocals are not quite the focal point. The focal point is how many people you can get to click on the link and vote for your video. Yeah you can get people to vote for you initially that first couple of days, but then we all grow weary and tired of moving and clicking the mouse for 2-4 seconds a day. It just is what it is. Then I figured, what have I got to lose? Turns out I didn't have a lot to lose. Just because of my video a songwriter, a very awesome and published songwriter offered to PRODUCE (not just write) a song for me! Plus, many people who know me got to hear me sing for the first time. So it was fun. The videos were only allowed to be between 60-90 seconds so it was nothing intense. I just sang the song and let the pieces fall where they may. If I win this contest I can meet some artists I admire, travel, sleep in a hotel (I love hotels), and maybe something cool will pop off. *sigh* The point of it all is that you never know what could happen if you don't entertain every opportunity. So I'm entertaining... Now about these votes. Here's where I solicit you my fellow blog readers/writers/friends/fans/foes. I need your help with this one. I submitted my entry a little late in the game, but not too late that I'm out. If you guys could use the link below to vote for my video I would truly appreciate it. Each person is allowed to vote once daily so from now until April feel free to re-post and share this blog! Thank you! Copy and paste the link below into your browser and click the VOTE button! Thank you loves!!! I'll pay you back in shout-outs! LOL!